ColorFX takes not only its commitment to you seriously, but to the environment as well.
We work closely with all our vendors to achieve cutting-edge, environmentally safe practices for our industry. Among those, are low VOC aqueous and UV coatings. VOC stands for “volatile organic compounds,” and is a term that denotes any chemical that “outgasses” its components. “Aqueous,” as the root “aqua” indicates, means any solution where water is the main solvent.
We also feature chemical-free CTP plates. “CTP” stands for “computer-to-plate,” and is an imaging technology in modern printing that allows desktop publishing images to be transmitted directly to plates. Additionally, our printing presses are equipped with pre-impregnated cleaning cloth roll washing system, to further reduce unwanted “output.”
All of this, including our chemical-free plates, and low VOC aqueous coatings means far fewer chemical compounds are released from the printing process into the air. Our vendors can “breathe easy” knowing their printing needs are being met in as “green” a way as possible!”